5.3. Test File Standards

Here are the standards for building test files.

5.3.1. Available Test Types

The types of tests available are a subset of the assertion types that are made available with Python’s unittest framework. To see more about the tests available in unittest, check out their documentation .

The list of available tests in etlTest is as follows:

etlTest Type unittest Type Test Description
Equal assertEqual Are given and expected equal?
NotEqual assertNotEqual Are given and expected no equal?
BooleanTrue assertTrue Is given true?
BooleanFalse assertFalse Is given false?
Is assertIs Are given and expected the same object?
IsNot assertIsNot Are given and expected not the same object?
IsNone assertIsNone Is given None?
IsNotNone assertIsNotNone Is given not None?
In assertIn Is given in expected?
NotIn assertNotIn Is given not in expected?
IsInstance assertIsInstance Is given an instance of expected?
IsNotInstance assertIsNotInstance Is given not an instance of expected?