4. Configuration Settings

Below are the various configuration files used by etlTest.

4.5. Settings File Location

The application settings file ( .etltest-settings.yml ) stays bundled with the application.

All other configuration files go into the data directory created by etlTest and is custom to the operating system that etlTest is installed on. etlTest takes advantage of a Python package named appdirs to handle configuration of the directories. At runtime, two directories are created:

  • log - which handles logging for etlTest.
  • application - which handles all other configuration files.

The location where these directories are set up is based on the app_name and app_author parameters. On Linux, the directories would be:

  • log - ~/.cache/etlTest/log/
  • application - ~/.local/share/etlTest/

Please review the appdirs documentation for more details.

4.6. Variable Replacement

Many of the values in these configuration files can be platform dependant. It makes sense to create system variables so that the tests are more portable. To use a system variable, enclose the name in ${your_value_here} . For instance, to use a system variable named $TOOL_HOME call it as part of a configuration value like so: ${TOOL_HOME}/some/other/subdirectory . The variable will be replaced with it’s proper value.