5.1. Command Line Options

Here are all the options provided by etlTest’s command line utility:

usage: etlTest [-h] [-f [IN_FILE]] [-d [IN_DIR]] [-o [OUT_DIR]]
           [-g [{all,unit,suite}]] [-e] [-t] [-v]

Automated data integration test generator and executor.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [IN_FILE], --infile [IN_FILE]
                        Specify the input file
  -d [IN_DIR], --indir [IN_DIR]
                        Specify the input directory
  -o [OUT_DIR], --outdir [OUT_DIR]
                        Specify the output directory
  -g [{all,table,process}], --gen [{all,table,process}]
                        Generate new test code
  -e, --exec            Execute test code
  -t, --test            Run app as tests. Does not persist the generated or
                        executed code.
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

etlTest -d /your/test_file/directory/ -g unit
usage: etlTest [-h] [-s [SOURCE]] [-t [TABLE]] [-c [COLUMN]] [-i]
               [-r [{ours,theirs}]]

Reference data handler for etlTest.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s [SOURCE], --source [SOURCE]
                        Name of the source from the connections.cfg file
  -t [TABLE], --table [TABLE]
                        Name of the table from the named source
  -c [COLUMN], --column [COLUMN]
                        Name of the key column from the named table. Used to
                        identify records.
  -i, --import          Import data from the named source table.
  -r [{ours,theirs}], --refresh [{ours,theirs}]
                        Refreshes the stored reference data. If ours, we will
                        keep our data and refresh the source. If theirs, we
                        will drop our data and refresh from the source.

etlTest -s yourSource -t yourSourceTable -c yourTableIdentifyingColumn -i

5.1.1. Options Breakdown File Handling

If only wanting to run a single file, use IN_FILE. Multiple files can be processed through the usage of IN_DIR. Both options are mutually exclusive.

If OUT_DIR is not specified, the default output directory from the etlTest settings file will be used.

Generating tests can be done with the –gen or -g option. It also takes one of the following values:

  • all - builds all types of unit tests
  • table - builds unit tests based on data source/target tables
  • process - builds unit tests based on data integration processes

Execution of tests can be done with the –exec or -e option.

Testing the test output can be done with the –test or -t option. Reference Data Handling

The ability to synchronize and maintain reference data is available in etlTest. Based on the configured source and table, data can either be imported or refreshed.

Source (-s or –source), table (-t or –table), and column (-c or –column) are required to generate a reference data file.

Importing data can be done with the –import or -i option.

Refreshing data with the –refresh or -r option allows for keeping either your stored copy (ours) or the source system (theirs) version.