4.4. Data Integration Tool Settings

This section describes the settings file used for Data Integration tool connectivity.

4.4.1. Default Settings

Here is the default sample for tools.yml. This file can be found in the application settings directory, as described in Settings

  host_name:  localhost
  private_key: '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
  tool_path:  ${TOOL_PATH}
  code_path:  ${ETL_TEST_ROOT}/etltest/samples/etl/
  process_param:  "/file:"
  params:  "/level: Detailed"
  logging_filename_format:  ${name}_%Y-%m-%d
    - type: job
      script:  kitchen.sh
    - type: trans
      script:  pan.sh

While the sample is written for Pentaho Data Integration, it can be configured for any data integration tool that can be run from the command line.

  • PDI: - The unique name of the tool. Can be any string as long as it does not break YAML standards.
  • host_name: - The unique name or ip address of the host the tool lives on.
  • port: - The port used to ssh onto the host box.
  • user_name: - The name of the user account that is used to run data integration code.
  • password: - The password of the user account that is used to run data integration code.
  • private_key: - The private key to tunnel onto the box, if needed.
  • tool_path: - The install location of the data integration tool.
  • code_path: - The location of the data integration tool’s code base. This is where etlTest will look for executable code.
  • process_param: - Any custom parameters that have to be used to call the code. In PDI’s case, files are called with the /file: property.
  • params: - Any parameters that need to be tacked onto the back of the command. In PDI’s case, logging is handled by the /level: parameter.
  • logging_filename_format: - If storing of the process logs is desired, this is the format of the logging file name.
  • script_types: - Multiple script types are allowed in the event that there are different components to the data integration tool.
  • type: - The callable type of script.
  • script: - The script that handles the type of process. This is located where the data integration tool is installed.

4.4.2. Sample Configurations

Here are some sample configurations for various tools that have been used with etlTest: Contributing New Tool Configurations

Are you using etlTest with a tool not listed here? Please consider contributing a sample tool setup! Find out how on our How to Contribute page. Pentaho Data Integration (file-based)

  tool_path:  ${TOOL_PATH}
  code_path:  ${ETL_TEST_ROOT}/etltest/samples/etl/
  process_param:  "/file:"
  params:  "/level: Detailed"
  logging_filename_format:  ${name}_%Y-%m-%d
    - type: job
      script:  kitchen.sh
    - type: trans
      script:  pan.sh

Special note: This sample takes advantage of two system variables:

  • TOOL_PATH - Where the tool is installed (~/data-integration).
  • ETL_TEST_ROOT - Where etlTest is installed, since we used the test samples for this sample tool configuration.